What Is Website Conversion Rate?

January 4, 2025

What Is Website Conversion Rate? | AIA Book in a free 30 minute strategy session

Picture this:

Your website is getting steady traffic and the number of people visiting your web pages increases constantly. However, when it comes to lead generation, you aren’t getting the results you were hoping for. Your visitors aren’t really subscribing to your newsletter, downloading your resources, or purchasing your products.

What can you do to change that?

One answer could be to focus your efforts on optimising and increasing your conversion rates. In other words, implement a number of strategies that will help you increase the number of people who take a certain action after visiting your website.

How can you do that?

In this article, we will talk about what conversion rates are, how to calculate them, and the factors that could influence them.

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What Is Website Conversion Rate?

Your website gets a certain number of visitors, out of which a fraction will take the actions you are targeting. Depending on the type of your business and what your marketing plan is, or what your business goals are, conversions can mean various things.

Here are some of the most common examples of website conversions you can target, according to the visitor’s actions:

  • Subscribing to your newsletter
  • Filling in an online form
  • Using your live chat feature
  • Downloading a file you have given access to
  • Adding products to the shopping cart
  • Calling your business
  • Purchasing something from your online store
  • Visiting a certain product page

As you can see, there are many possibilities in terms of what you can define as a conversion, and monitoring these actions will give you a very clear idea of how successful your marketing strategy is, and where you should focus your efforts.

The conversion rate of your website is calculated simply: divide the number of conversions you get in a certain amount of time by the total number of visitors on your website during the same time period. Multiply that result to 100 and you get a percentage of visitors that followed with the desired action when on your website.

Conversion rate = (number of conversions / total number of visitors) * 100

The equation above is the generally used one, but if your business has a certain segment of visitors it targets and if you are getting them amongst other visits, then you can express your conversion rate as a value related to that segment of visits.

As you can see, the conversion rate is defined in a very flexible way, defending a lot on how well you have outlined your business goals and how well you know how to translate them to marketing strategies.

What Factors Influence Your Website Conversion Rate

It’s easy for business owners to realise the importance of a higher rate of conversions, but what exactly is high? To give you an idea of what the standard in your niche is, here are examples of the average conversion rate by industry:

  • E-commerce conversion rates (globally) = 3.71%
  • Mobile app store page = 26.4%
  • B2B = 4.31%
  • Average across industries = 26.4%

As you can see, the type of industry you operate in influences your average conversion rate quite a lot, as highly specialised organisations will see more valuable traffic than a more generalised business.

To better understand how this key metric is influenced by how you manage your website and marketing strategy, here are the most common factors that contribute to it:

  • The industry, as shown above – certain industries will have higher conversion rates, while others should be proud of what are seemingly low rates but are actually above average for their industry.
  • Your website’s design and performance – once a visitor is on a landing page of your website, the experience they have will dictate the length of their visit and the actions they will take. A slow website or poorly structured one can definitely make you lose some of the leads you had, and affect your conversions.
  • Your use of call to action – when someone browses through your blog posts, for example, they skip through the content, looking for the key pieces of information that interest them. This is why it’s so important to structure your content in readable, clear sections, as well as adding a visible call to action button, phrase, or section.
  • The content you publish – content marketing is so important in today’s digital world because the people in the audience need brands that know how to connect with them, meet their needs, and answer their questions. The quality and relevance of your content, and how easy it is to be found, will indirectly influence your conversion rates.
  • Your overall trustworthiness – as a business owner or marketer, you know that a brand’s trustworthiness is an essential quality to aspire to and work for at every angle. A lot of elements go into building a trusting relationship with your audience, from your customer service to the way you maintain your website, share information, respond to feedback and handle your sales.
  • Your ability to understand your analytics – there are countless analytics tools available for businesses and most of them are free. So, it really should be really simple for a company to track and monitor its campaigns. But how you use the results you are getting is the key. Learn how to interpret the data you collect and what solutions you need to implement based on it if you want to see an increased conversion rate.

What to Focus on to Get Higher Conversion Rates

Since so many factors are influencing how successful you are at convincing your website visitors to take the desired actions you are targeting, there are many things you should do for better conversion rates.

  • Paid Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.): These channels are extremely successful in lead generation and successfully targeting the people who are the most likely to convert.
  • Website Design and Development: Professional website design and development will ensure a high-quality UX for your visitors and increase your overall performance and results.
  • SEO: Ranking higher on Google and other search engines will lead to more valuable traffic, bringing visitors who are looking for the type of product or service you are offering.
  • Content marketing: Knowing what your audience expects to get from a business like yours is essential in generating the type of content that will build trust in your brand and a higher likelihood of them becoming your clients.
  • A/B Testing: Before you launch any campaign, whether it’s an email marketing one or a simple promotion on your social media, it’s very important to take the time and test your copy, your landing page, the design, and the idea behind that event. Proper testing ensures that your efforts are well-aimed and that they will lead to higher conversion rates.

These are the main examples of actions and segments of business you should consider when aiming for better conversion rates. It takes a well-calibrated mechanism that combines more factors to become successful at this seemingly simple thing as CR: if your visitors see what they like, they will become your customers.

Need Help Increasing Your Conversion Rate?

If you want to see better results and to improve your conversion rate, you can hire a team of professional marketers who can audit your website, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and put together a conversion rate optimisation plan to maximise its performance and value.

We at Australian Internet Advertisers are leaders in our industry because we have a holistic approach to digital marketing and we know how one piece of the puzzle will influence the rest of them. We won’t only increase your conversion rate, but we will also improve your website’s UX, and advise you on how to run effective paid campaigns and handle your SEO.

Depending on what is needed to get high conversion rates, we will create a personalised plan, according to what you really need. Contact us to start your improvement plan and to maximise your growth. We will assign a team of experts to analyse your business and find the best solutions for increasing your conversion rates.

Billy P.

About The Author

William Polson founded Australian Internet Advertising in 2013 and has over 12 years of experience immersed in Digital Marketing.

With an in-depth level of digital marketing knowledge, William has been sort after by and worked for, many large national brands including Subaru, Blooms The Chemist, and Nova 96.9.

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