What Is a Good Return on Investment (ROI) for Google Ads?

February 14, 2023

What Is a Good Return on Investment (ROI) for Google Ads? | AIA Book in a free 30 minute strategy session

As a business owner in Australia, you understand the importance of investing your marketing budget wisely. One effective way to reach your target audience and drive valuable leads is through Google Ads. However, it’s essential to assess the performance of your Google Ads campaigns and determine what constitutes a good Return on Investment (ROI).

In this blog, we explore the concept of ROI for Google Ads and provide insights to help you improve your campaign’s effectiveness.

Understanding ROI for Google Ads

ROI is a crucial metric that measures the profitability of your advertising investment. It represents the value you generate from your Google Ads campaigns in relation to the Google Ads cost incurred. To calculate ROI, use the following formula:

ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost * 100

For instance, if you spent $1,000 on Google Ads and generated $5,000 in revenue, your ROI would be calculated as follows:

ROI = ($5,000 – $1,000) / $1,000 * 100 = 400%

Determining a Good ROI for Google Ads

While it is difficult to pinpoint an exact benchmark for a “good” ROI, it largely depends on various factors such as your industry, business model, and marketing goals. However, as an experienced Google Ads agency, AIA recommends aiming for an ROI that exceeds your cost of acquisition and aligns with your business objectives. Here are some key considerations:

1. Cost of Acquisition (COA)

Your cost of acquisition refers to the expenses incurred to acquire a customer through Google Ads. To determine a good ROI, your campaign’s ROI should exceed your COA. This ensures that your advertising efforts are generating profits and not simply breaking even.

2. Industry Standards and Competitor Analysis

Conducting thorough research into industry standards and analysing your competitors’ performance can provide valuable insights. Look for industry-specific benchmarks or seek guidance from professionals to understand what ROI range is considered favourable in your sector.

3. Long-Term Goals

Consider your long-term business goals and the role Google Ads plays in achieving them. If your objective is to increase brand awareness and capture leads for nurturing, your ROI expectations might differ from those aiming for immediate conversions. Align your ROI targets with your broader marketing strategy.

4. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on Google Ads. While ROI focuses on overall profitability, ROAS provides insights into the efficiency of individual campaigns or ad groups. A high ROAS indicates efficient ad spend allocation and can contribute to a good ROI.

Strategies to Improve Your Google Ads ROI

To improve your Google Ads ROI, consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Comprehensive Keyword Research

Invest time in thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords with high search volumes and lower competition. Understand the search intent behind each keyword and tailor your campaigns accordingly. Utilise tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to uncover valuable keyword opportunities.

2. Compelling Ad Copy and Ad Extensions

Craft persuasive ad copy that highlights your unique selling propositions and encourages click-throughs. Incorporate relevant keywords, include compelling CTAs, and experiment with ad extensions like sitelink extensions or call extensions to enhance visibility and user engagement.

3. Targeted Audience Segmentation

Segment your target audience based on demographics, interests, or location to create tailored ad campaigns. By customising your messaging and targeting, you can increase relevancy and attract high-quality leads, ultimately improving your ROI.

4. Ongoing Campaign Optimisation

Regularly monitor and optimise your Google Ads campaigns to maximise ROI. Some key optimisation strategies include:

  • Analyse campaign search terms, data, metrics and quality score to identify underperforming keywords, ads, or targeting settings. Make data-driven adjustments to improve campaign performance including negative keywords.
  • Implement A/B testing to experiment with different ad variations, landing pages, or targeting strategies. Test one variable at a time to determine the most effective approach.
  • Use ad scheduling to display your ads during peak hours or when your target audience is most active. This helps optimise your budget allocation and increase the likelihood of conversions.
  • Utilise conversion tracking to measure the success of your campaigns. Set up conversion goals and track valuable actions such as purchases, form submissions, or newsletter sign-ups.
  • Leverage remarketing campaigns to re-engage with previous website visitors and encourage them to convert. Tailor your messaging to their specific interests or behaviour to increase conversion rates.


In conclusion, determining a good Return on Investment (ROI) for your Google Ads campaigns requires considering various factors such as industry benchmarks, long-term goals, and cost of acquisition. While there is no universal benchmark, aiming for an ROI that surpasses your acquisition costs is generally considered favourable.

By implementing strategies such as comprehensive keyword research, compelling ad copy, targeted audience segmentation, and ongoing campaign optimisation, you can improve the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns and increase your ROI. Regular monitoring, testing, and optimisation are key to staying ahead of the competition and achieving exceptional results.

As a leading Sydney based Google Ads agency, AIA are here to help you navigate the intricacies of Google Ads. Our campaigns are optimised for maximum ROI, helping Australian businesses to grow here and abroad.

Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in achieving your business goals through effective Google Ads strategies.

Billy P.

About The Author

William Polson founded Australian Internet Advertising in 2013 and has over 12 years of experience immersed in Digital Marketing.

With an in-depth level of digital marketing knowledge, William has been sort after by and worked for, many large national brands including Subaru, Blooms The Chemist, and Nova 96.9.

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