Convert Traffic to Sales in Shopify

January 1, 2025

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There are all sorts of marketing strategies within your sales funnel that can be used to promote more online shopping, but why is it so hard for some people? Sometimes you just need a little help from the right tools.

You may have noticed that potential customers seem to navigate away from your online store just as they’re going through the checkout process. This could be due to a lack of conversion-rate optimisation tactics on product pages, so it’s time for you to explore what can make them more interested and eager about their purchase.

The good news is that it’s absolutely possible to increase conversions in Shopify, it will just require some extra legwork and big-picture thinking.

Why Does Conversion Rate Optimisation Matter?

Depending on which studies you look at, online shopping cart abandonment rates may be as high as 80%. Today, global eCommerce conversion rates hover around 2.58%, and experts suggest that if your own store’s rate dips below 2%, then you need to reassess your methods.

Although this threshold may seem incredibly low, especially considering that the average global website conversion rate is more than 4.3%, but you have to bear in mind that eCommerce is an incredibly crowded space, and it’s only getting more competitive by the day.

The internet is a crowded space. With over 12 million eCommerce sites worldwide, it’s hard to make your online store stand out from the noise – but with some careful planning and conversion rate optimisation (CRO), you can position yourself as one-of-a-kind in this increasingly competitive environment.

Methods for Increasing Conversion Rates in Shopify

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You may be seeing a lot of traffic filtering through your site, but those interested leads simply aren’t making purchases. These are some ways you can inspire buyers to take that final leap and buy from you.

1. Draw Attention to Social Proof with Reviews and Testimonials

There’s no question that just a few positive words from past customers about your product will help convince leads to complete the sale. More than 95% of people making an online purchase check reviews before they buy, so you can be sure this is true for even those in different industries and target audiences.

The words of other customers are more trustworthy than product descriptions manufactured by brands, so it’s a good idea to find ways that you can ask for customer reviews if want to convert more traffic on Shopify. For instance; sending an email asking “how did we do?” after every order confirmation or following up with those who have given positive feedback in order to remind them about your business and what makes its services so great.

The social proof of other customers buying your product is an excellent way to provide confidence for potential buyers.

2. Make Your Call to Action Unmistakeable

Ecommerce sites often get hung up on the finer points of their Shopify design, and they forget the basics of what makes online sales (and sales in general) work. The reality is that shopify ecommerce website design is a little like a rabbit hole from an aesthetic standpoint—the deeper you dive, the more you’ll want to dig.

You want to make your site as beautiful, informative and interesting looking for visitors while still reminding them that they are shopping not browsing. Don’t forget the products.

To encourage more purchases on your site, it’s important that you include a prominent add-to-cart button. You can do this without sacrificing design quality by using compelling phrases like “Add to Cart Now!” in creative ways throughout the website – for example near payment methods or phone numbers so customers feel confident purchasing immediately rather than later when they have time (and may not remember what they were originally looking for).

3. Incorporate A Live Chat Feature

Live chat is a customer service option that’s ranked among the most favorable in this realm for various reasons. Users don’t have to sit on the phone, dedicate all of their energy finding answers and they also don’t have to wait around hoping someone will reply back with an email response- live chats provide instant feedback.

Think of live chat as a way to provide customer service on demand. You can start by strategically offering it at the most high traffic times and only target those pages where you have costly products so that customers considering big-ticket purchases will have their questions answered right away with no hassle or waiting period.

4. Harness The Power of Social Media

The social media landscape has changed drastically over the years. With more people turning to their networks for advice on what products they should buy, it is imperative that you install a Facebook Pixel in order to get insights into customer behavior and preferences.

With the help of Facebook’s pixel, you can get a better understanding of what your audience likes and does not like about your website. You will be able to see how many times they have finished certain tasks when interacting with it from their social media accounts in addition to tracking events such as viewing pages or adding items into carts before finally making purchases online through this platform.

The information you get from looking at your site’s funnel will help optimise it for conversions, and also create more engaging campaigns.

5. Don’t Bury The Lead

You want to make it easy for shoppers to look at your product page, so you put all the relevant details about what they are buying right in front. This way their eyes can easily scroll through and find everything without having to click any extra buttons like “more info” or “see further down.”

Make sure that your product is prominently featured in the center of any homepage or landing page. Attracting potential customers with aesthetically pleasing visuals and an informative tone, promote what you have to offer by using relevant photos as well! Don’t forget all colors available on a single site–make it easy for shoppers looking at different options from start-to-finish.

Start Converting More Traffic to Sales in Shopify

Australian Internet Advertising can help you convert more of your potential customers with a focused approach to conversion optimisation.

Our team is deeply experienced in this field, and we’re prepared to help you maximise your potential with a comprehensive, custom-tailored approach; contact us today to begin converting a larger percentage of your traffic to sales in your online store.

Billy P.

About The Author

William Polson founded Australian Internet Advertising in 2013 and has over 12 years of experience immersed in Digital Marketing.

With an in-depth level of digital marketing knowledge, William has been sort after by and worked for, many large national brands including Subaru, Blooms The Chemist, and Nova 96.9.

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