It’s Time: AdWords Campaigns Made Just for Mobile

January 3, 2025

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In January 2018, mobile users amounted to a whopping 3.7 billion unique users globally. And that’s only to give you an idea of how common the use of mobile devices is.

When you go into the marketing stats, the numbers speak for themselves:

The list can go on, but the more bullet points you add, the more you reach the same conclusion: mobile is slowly taking over. So much so, that more people own a mobile than a toothbrush (yes, that is a real statistic).

With the mobile search on the rise, it’s high time to start focusing on mobile campaigns. Running mobile AdWords campaigns is nothing new, but most marketers tend to think of it as a list of precautions to take for their paid search efforts to work on them. However, if you want to dominate the search results, mobile ads are a must.

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Why Mobile-Only AdWords Is the Way to Go

mobile ads

If you’re already running a few Google AdWords campaigns, you might benefit from splitting some into mobile and desktop specific campaigns, and for two big reasons:

  1. Your bid adjustments differ for desktop and mobile searchers because people tend to use these devices at different points of the days (and for varying lengths of time).
  2. It allows you to track your ad performance and measure results at a per-device level. When you split mobile and desktop into separate campaigns, you can have a better understanding of how your Google ads are performing and which device brings more leads.

User behaviour can differ based on the device they are using to browse the web. A user will have a completely different behaviour using a desktop to surf the internet, as opposed to using a mobile phone to scroll while in line to get their morning coffee.

If the behaviours are different, it only makes sense to craft different types of ads meant to target them separately, as you would do with other user information (such as location, age, and other).

The preference of device also influences a user’s response rate, or how likely they are to complete specific tasks. For mobile users, speed is everything. If a page doesn’t load quickly, then they will abandon the request immediately. Also, if the page they are accessing doesn’t look good on mobile or isn’t accessible, then that’s another red flag. And they won’t give it another chance on a desktop either.

Creating a Mobile-Only Campaign

In a way, creating an AdWords mobile campaign, it’s not so different from setting up a desktop ad. But, the devil is in the details, so here are some things to keep in mind:

Keywords and Copy

For a mobile AdWords ad, you need to be particularly careful about the keywords you use and how your copy reads. As mentioned before, mobile users value speed tremendously, but they are also most likely looking for quick fixes to their problems.

According to Google, 69% of users look for businesses close to them, more than half are in need of immediate purchasing (so they have an already-formed intent to buy), and 93% even end up buying.

Therefore, your keywords have to be punchy and reflect an action, without too many descriptors. Long ads are great for the desktop version, but mobile ads have to be short and concise.

Voice Search

Voice Search

Mobile users are turning to digital assistants to help them navigate the web these days, so you’ll have to make a few changes to ensure that Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, or others give you a shootout when you need it.

Voice search also affects your keywords as you need to identify the words your prospects are most likely to use when voicing their request. For instance, while a person will type ‘Meryl Streep age,’ a query for a digital assistant will mimic a real-life question between people: ‘how old is Meryl Streep?’

Ad extensions

Since most mobile users already have an intent to buy, your mobile ads can integrate an extension that makes a particular action a lot easier.

Instead of working out your contact information within the copy of your ad, you can add a ‘call now’ ad extension. When people come across your ad on the search network, they can click the link and contact you immediately, without having to go to your mobile site to find this information.

Selecting the Right Hours

ad scheduling adwords

You can pick the exact hours of the day and specific dates when you want your ads to show up in search results. It’s a great feature to use particularly because your users are looking for timely solutions to their problems.

An advertisement for weekend dinner offers don’t have to run all day; set them to appear at a time when more people would be searching for them.

Signing off

Mobile is far from reaching its full potential. As this technology becomes more and more accessible, new marketing possibilities develop. And in this climate, mobile AdWords Campaigns make perfect sense.

Contact Australian Internet Advertising now and let’s improve your mobile marketing strategy.

Billy P.

About The Author

William Polson founded Australian Internet Advertising in 2013 and has over 12 years of experience immersed in Digital Marketing.

With an in-depth level of digital marketing knowledge, William has been sort after by and worked for, many large national brands including Subaru, Blooms The Chemist, and Nova 96.9.

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