Business Alternatives to Blogging in 2025?

January 4, 2025

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The Internet has been a major player in the world of business for 20 years, and it’s here to stay. Today there’s no room left for confusion – success demands an active web presence that can help you grow your company’s reach exponentially.

The blog is necessary for any business that wants to stay ahead of the game. It can be utilised as a way of engaging customers, building trust with potential clients, and boosting sales in general.

Australian Internet Advertising knows that you might be hesitant to start blogging, so we’ve broken down some of the most convincing reasons for investing your time into a blog and made it easy with our step-by-step guide. We even talked about alternatives if still thinking twice about getting started on one.

How Does Blogging Impact A Business?

The power of blogging is that it allows you to build your authority in a short amount of time. The best thing about blogging for SEO purposes, as opposed to other marketing methods like social media or content creation, is its ability to create links from outside websites which signals Google they should rank higher on search engine queries.

A blog is a great way to increase the ranking and reach of your website on Google. The more content there is on hand, meaning it will be called upon when someone makes an irrelevant query about that topic or subject matter – the higher chance you have at being found by potential clients.

The single most important part of any business’s strategy is blogging. In fact, businesses that blog generate 67% more leads than those that don’t.

Websites are important for any business as they provide a way to connect with potential customers. But, the thing about them that makes blogging so popular is how you can drive organic traffic and engage your audience members – which will help conversion rates.

You don’t have to be a tech-savvy entrepreneur in order for blogging and other internet services. In fact, there are plenty of tools out now that make this process easier than ever before.

The Easiest Way to Start A Blog

Thanks to its user-friendly interface and flexibility, WordPress has become one of the most popular blogging platforms in today’s world. Designed specifically for hosting blogs but then growing into a wildly used content management system due to how simple it can be handled by users with little knowledge about technology or web design alike! Today nearly every website is built on this powerful yet easygoing CMS so there’s likely your business’ site using what many call “the perfect publishing platform.”

You can start your WordPress blog from scratch and find that it is a simple process. The most basic free plan offered with a website comes with customisable themes, such as the ability to use custom domains for URLs (using subdomains); even those without any technical skills will soon be able to create an informative site on this free blogging system.

In the past, starting a blog for your business might have seemed like an insurmountable task. But with WordPress it is easy and straightforward! You will be able to create beautiful layouts in minutes without any technical skills required whatsoever.

Achieving Digital Marketing Success without A Blog

There are a lot of benefits when it comes to blogging for businesses in 2022, but that is not the only way you can succeed.

For certain types of businesses, blogging doesn’t make sense. For eCommerce sites such as clothing retailers with products that speak for themselves and happy customers who are interested in the brands they buy from or wear on their own time – there’s no need to post anything online.

These are some of the most important digital strategies that any business can adopt in 2022, and while they may not all apply to your specific business, some of them are bound to present a viable alternative blogging for your brand:

  • Google Advertising — Google Ads are unique in that they give advertisers the power to actually view their ROI as it unfolds. By nature, PPC campaigns are either successful or incredibly cheap—it’s important that you partner with a team who understands how to craft successful Google Ads campaigns so you don’t wind up wasting your time on a strategy that never picks up steam.
  • Keyword Utilisation — Keywords are a unique and involved facet of the digital landscape. Although Google Ads that capitalise on the right keywords perform well, you don’t want your PPC campaigns to feel stiff and robotic; after all, you’re still trying to appeal to human beings. This is why it’s so important to partner with a team that not only grasps Google Ads, but also SEO, which just so happens to be another alternative measure to blogging.
  • Search Engine Optimisation — Although blogging can be a great way to boost SEO efforts, you don’t necessarily have to start a blog in order to utilise SEO as part of your digital marketing strategy. Experienced SEO consultants will be able to improve your website’s ranking to organically boost traffic, and you’ll never have to write a single blog post in the process.
    All too often, inexperienced SEO professionals think that they can trick the algorithm with technical wizardry, but the reality is that Google is simply looking for sites that understand the user experience; working with consultants who know how to tap into your audience’s needs is vital.
  • Social Media Marketing — As of 2019, 72% of Australians were active social media users, so sites like Facebook are a massive audience pool upon which you can capitalise. Best of all, social media advertising allows you to target your ads to an incredibly selective group, so you can be sure that only relevant users will see your content.
    For example, if you wanted to target only users who are over 35, have expressed an interest in luxury vehicles, and who live within a certain city’s limits, you would be able to do so with a Facebook advertisement.
  • Video Marketing — More than 90% of marketers say that video is an important part of their strategy, and it’s easy to understand why: as the average consumer’s attention span dwindles, it’s harder to write blogs that will capture their interest, but it’s much easier to invest in videos that will grab their eyes. Video marketing is simply the most effective means of reaching the widest audience possible, so it’s well worth the investment for businesses in 2020. The great thing about video marketing is that it lends itself to integration with other parts of your strategy, such as social media marketing. Perhaps you don’t have the mental bandwidth to start a blog now, but maybe you will decide that you can carve out the time in your schedule to do so in six months; depending on the type of video marketing you’ve created, you may be able to simply use your videos as inspiration for your blog content.
  • Intuitive Website Design — The first impression that visitors get from your website shapes their entire perception of your brand; even if you wanted to create a blog, it would be wasted if the design of your site was clunky and difficult to navigate. Investing in seamless, scalable website design will make it easier to get indexed and ranked by Google in the first place, and will improve users’ impression of your brand.

As mentioned above, WordPress is the best option for your web design needs as it is incredibly versatile and user-friendly.
These alternatives to blogging will give your business a web presence that doesn’t feel as if it’s lacking anything, so you can rest assured that your reluctance to start a blog won’t negatively impact your chances for long-term success.

How We Can Help

At Australian Internet Advertising, we know that publishing blog posts may not be within your wheelhouse but still want you to have all of the tools necessary for a successful digital marketing strategy. This way no matter what decision ends up being right for YOUR business we will help provide guidance on how to get started with blogging or just review existing content if they think it’s worth sharing.

There are a number of ways that we can assist if you find yourself questioning whether you can simply invest in alternatives to blogs in 2020. Our skilled team of experts can provide services for Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation and Web Design services if a blog genuinely isn’t in the cards for your brand, but we utilise WordPress for all of our website design, so you will always have the option of simply and efficiently adding a blog later on if you should so wish.

If your concerns about creating a blog simply come down to the fact that you’re not sure you can take on all of the writing yourself, then we can assist in that arena as well—our content marketing services will take all of the pressure off of you, and you’ll be able to trust that the blog posts published on your site are tailored to your exact audience.

If you want to discuss whether a blog could prove worthwhile for your business, or find out how you can invest more energy into alternative measures, reach out to the Australian Internet Advertising team today.

Billy P.

About The Author

William Polson founded Australian Internet Advertising in 2013 and has over 12 years of experience immersed in Digital Marketing.

With an in-depth level of digital marketing knowledge, William has been sort after by and worked for, many large national brands including Subaru, Blooms The Chemist, and Nova 96.9.

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